Mansfield Child Custody Attorney Discusses Establishing Paternity Rights

Mansfield Child Custody Attorney Discusses Establishing Paternity Rights

\As an experienced Mansfield Child Custody Attorney, I am often asked about establishing paternity rights.  A paternity case is when the parents of a child have not been married. The father needs to file a complaint with the court to establish paternity. If both of their names are on the birth certificate, they will sign an acknowledgement of paternity which is a legal adjudication.

The court will not treat the father who’s married to a mother any differently than a father who was not married to the mother. The father has the same rights of parenting that child.  A complaint to establish paternity forms the rights that that father has to the parenting plan and to establish his child support payments, and anything else to do with the child.

Are you a father to a child where you need to establish paternity rights? Contact experienced Mansfield Child Custody Attorney Cynthia Hanley to help you fight your case.